Feast Yer Eyes on these Fearsome Pirates of the Dark Rose.

Meet the Pirates of the Dark Rose as They Invade All Ports

PHOTO CREDIT: Don Dunbar, Sandi Bilbo, George Gray Copyright 2016 © All Rights Reserved.

They are famous Pirates, seen across the USA. They have appeared on the Discovery Channel, the History Channel and the Travel Channel. See them all here! f ye want to board a real Pirate Ship, watch her enter yer harbor, guns blazing thunder than ye are in for a treat. Look here to see just what is in store for ye when ye sail on the Dark Rose. Our crewe has battled the Viceroy and Pirate Hunters from Maine to the Caribbean. See our fierciest action as we raid on the High Seas! Look at our crewe as they have real fun with the crowd and kids. Whether it is making balloon swords or playing a game, PoDR answers the call. Performances of our Stage Show, Pirate Puppet Show, Tryals and More.
See Past and Present members at their best on stage!

Video Library

Battle of Camden

Video by Olga Oros

All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2014, Pirates of the Dark Rose.

Fort Knox Pirate Invasion

Video Editor David Martinez

Camera Operators William Barber Devin Fay

Copyright © 2017, Pirates of the Dark Rose.

From the Crewe

Video by Olga Oros -

All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2014, Pirates of the Dark Rose