Well, Matey, yer at the site of the Pirates of the Dark Rose. We be professional Pirates fer Hire, specializing in Cannons, Blades, and Living History. Our territory be the waters of the East Coast, washin' ashore at events from Maine t' Florida.
We may also bring our Pirate Ship, the topsail gaff yawl MUST ROOS, ta yer harbor fer Pirate Attacks. Hoist a signal ta us iffen yer wants
ta add a big bang ta yer Pirate Event.
CANNONS & cutlass fights
Matey, our fights will make ya gasp, with the flash of the swinging blades and the iron thunder of our cannons. Experienced with cutlass and rapier, we can fight in parades and on docks, as well as pirate duels and cannon demonstrations.
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encampment & parties
The Dark Rose Pirates wash ashore at events and pile their salvaged booty under a tent made from old sails. Kids LOVE pirates, and we do birthday parties, youth groups, and school programs. Depending on the age range and time available, ..........
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Meet The Crew
The Pirates of the Dark Rose are known throughout the seven seas. Our members have appeared on the History Channel, Discovery Channel, and numerous documentaries. Meet this crew of black hearted Pirates as they pillage across the East Coast.
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photo and video gallery
See real Pirates up close in all of their bloodthirty glory. Read the stories of the Dark Rose Pirates and view their picture galleries. See the action packed videos of these fearsome Pirate's as they battle from Fort Rodman to Fort Knox !
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